Nine Arch Bridge Ella Sri Lanka – Your Ultimate Guide


The magnificent Nine Arch Bridge, also called the Bridge in the Sky, is a colonial-era railway construction in the hill country of Sri Lanka. This engineering marvel is located in Demodara, between the Ella and Demodara railway stations. This stone brick and cement structure is synonymous with the name it carries, and it’s nine arch construction has become a tourist hotspot and made popular by the numerous social media outlets, bloggers and vloggers who’ve ventured here. Standing at 80ft tall, 25ft wide and 300ft tall, the bridge and its surrounding area have seen a huge increase in tourism due to the bridge’s architectural ingenuity and the plentiful foliage in the nearby hillsides. It is definitely a sight to behold if you’re travelling through Ella.


The Nine Arch Bridge is quite close to the main street in Ella town and you can access it from either side of the railway. There are 3 access points to get to the bridge and the main difference is how much walking you’re willing to do.

The first entrance is from the Ella Train Station. If you choose this path you will be walking for about 45 minutes along the train tracks. This path is the flattest compared to the rest but also the longest. Make sure you go to the RIGHT of the tracks when standing on the side of the station.

The second entrance is from the Southern end of the bridge. This path starts in town and can be accessed by both foot and by tuktuk. It is a fair distance to walk so you can be dropped off right by the bridge by a tuktuk.

The third entrance is the Northern end of the bridge. In this case, a tuktuk will only take you so far and then drop you off in the middle of the jungle because the rest of the path can only be accessed by foot. It’s about a 15 minute trek which ranks it as the shortest path to the bridge, however it is the steepest. We chose this path and we highly recommend that you have good shoes on and a headlamp/flashlight with you.


There are several viewpoints to explore, and you can pretty much place yourself anywhere you feel you can get your shot; however, these are some of the most popular viewpoints used by tourists, vloggers and bloggers

The Southern End (closest to the tunnel): This view point is popular due to the sun which rises behind the northern end thus lighting up the valley before you. Also, it gives you a pretty perspective of the outer curvature of the bridge. There’s a path to the left of the tunnel (when facing it) that allows you to gain some elevation.

The Northern End: The northern end is a great viewpoint and the most popular, as it allows you to see the inner curvature of the bridge. You can also dive into the tea fields directly below this viewpoint, so you can get up close and personal to the bridge.

Northern end at the Village Café: For an elevated viewpoint and a side of coffee, you can head to the Village Café. To get here, head to the right of the northern end of the bridge where you’ll see a dirt path that heads upwards. You’ll pas a small building with a blue roof where you can sit back, enjoy the view and sip a cup of brew!


If you’re like us and want to avoid the crowds, then sunrise is the perfect time for you to visit! Chances are you will be the only person around at this time and is perfect for unimpeded photographs. Walking along the tracks and across the bridge is an experience in itself but doesn’t need to be empty to truly experience it.

If you weren’t there for a train crossing and you have the time to visit the Nine Arch Bridge more than once, definitely head back down there for when a train is scheduled to pass over the bridge as it makes for epic photography. It’s a lot busier the later in the day you decide to go, but you can still manage to get some great photos.


Trains pass the bridge about 6 times a day and travel in both directions. On average there’s one every two hours or so, however it’s worth keeping in mind that the train times are really only a guideline as they never run on time. There are small cafes and shops where you can relax or kill time at the south and north ends of the bridge, therefore you can afford to miss a train! We trekked the northern trail in the pitch black of morning and made it to the bridge for 5:45am (we have Instagram story proof)! Although, it was worth it as we managed to capture a shot of the first train of the day and we were completely alone!



A few things to keep in mind when venturing out to this architectural marvel: If travelling early in the morning, before sunrise, make sure you have a headlamp with you as the path, especially to the northern end, is pitch black and doesn’t offer any luminosity along the trail whatsoever.

The tea plantations that envelop the bridge are very steep and slippery, so watch your step. Many people venture out off the bridge and below it, therefore, if you’re going to be one of those adventurers, please be mindful as to not destroy any of the plantation.


Leeches can be found in the greenery surrounding the area so it’s recommended to either wear long pants, or have some form of insect spray as to reduce the risk of one of those nasty bloodsuckers grabbing hold of your flesh.

For now, drones, tripods and cameras are all allowed at Nine Arch Bridge, however, if you are going to operate any one of these devices please be mindful of the surrounding wildlife. When we launched our drone, we had brought it up close and personal with the bridge to catch a shot of the stone work and were slightly afraid as we stumbled upon a bee hive just under one of the arches. The last thing we needed was the hive setting free a horde of bees and potentially ruining what was an almost perfect sunrise.

The Nine Arch bridge truly is a sight to behold and lends a certain otherworldly ancient charm and a pictorial spectacle when viewed from afar. We arrived in time to catch the first train of the day, and was a relatively slow train, seemed to have been traveling at the speed of light as we tried to catch a shot of us with the locomotive in the background.



Ella town isn’t too far from the Nine Arch Bridge, and with the numerous attractions to see around the town, staying right next to the bridge isn’t necessary. Although, it does help! So here’s a list of accommodations walking distance to the Nine Arch Bridge.

Nine Arch Lodge – 50m from the bridge – 4.1/5 rating!

Villa Nine Arch – 350m – 5.0 rating (on Google)!

The Secret Ella – 1.3km –4.5/5 rating!

